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Antibiotic resistance has become a major global public health threat in recent years. The overuse and misuse of antibiotics have led to the emergence of bacterial strains that are resistant to multiple antibiotics. This not only makes treating infections more difficult but threatens to make once-treatable infections deadly.

It is estimated that by 2050, antibiotic resistance could cause 10 million deaths annually and cost the global economy up to $100 trillion. The role of wastewater in this situation is the one of a catalyst; it usually contains a combination of leftover antibiotics and other substances that are recognized to encourage the co-selection of antibiotic resistance. It is therefore creating possibilities for the emergence and spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Therefore supporting a research group that’s fighting antibiotic resistance by detecting antibiotics in wastewater is essential as it can provide critical data on the scale of the problem and guide policymakers in implementing effective interventions. By detecting the presence of antibiotics in wastewater, researchers can identify the sources of antibiotic pollution and develop strategies to reduce it.

By supporting our group we are able to develop subsequently an innovative technology that enables rapid and accurate detection of antibiotics in wastewater. If no measures are taken we will be confronted with rising costs for healthcare associated with antibiotic resistance. With our strategy every person no matter the expertise can have an impact in protecting future public health.

This is where you step in. Yes, we are addressing you! Are you interested in combating the spread of antibiotic resistances and preserving the effectiveness of antibiotics for future generations?
Join the community and support us and our aim.

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